Here are some more details about our upcoming trip to Shanto, Ethiopia. For more frequent updates, please visit the FOVC (Friends of Orphans & Vulnerable Children) website at . The blog tab has great, detailed updates.
We are leaving May 31st and returning June 10th (our 5th Anniversary!). There are multiple tasks being done on this trip, but first let us take through a bit of the history and background.
Shanto is in southern Ethiopia and is virtually inaccessible during the rainy seasons (July & August). And, it's so remote that very few non-profits have ever been there, let alone given significant help. In a 10 mile radius of Shanto there are roughly 350,000 people. There is one well which is contaminated and only opperates one hour a day at that. Many of the young children have never worn, much less owned, any clothes. The women, many of them widows due to the AIDS pandemic, malaria, and water-born diseases, have to give up their children for adoption.
This is where FOVC comes in. "FOVC's mission is to educate and support orphans, vulnerable children & widows in Ethiopia, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and hunger as we offer them hope and independence for the future."
Their first trip in December-January 2010 laid the ground work for all future projects and plans in Shanto. 28 tireless, devoted, caring and loving people made that trip. They brought 2000 pounds of donations, and all the love in their hearts. Immediately, it was determined that clean water was crucial for the people in and around Shanto to survive.
Estimates of the number of wells needed quickly shot from 1 to 5 and now stands at 18 in the 10 mile radius around Shanto, while other areas are already being assessed. This is how fast FOVC is moving! They are also, under the direction of Dr. Jo Bruce, building a medical center. Jo will be going back with us in June to immunize all of the local staff members, widows and orphans. It's another huge step!
Also going on this trip is the water/well expert, an agriculturalist to help them learn how to plant and maintain crops, a veterinarian to check up on the cows purchased on the last trip and further educate the locals on how best to raise and care for them, two other teachers who will work with Steve in helping the 8 teachers learn the basics of teaching, including lesson plans, transitions, asssessing, and much more, while Denise will be leading an art project in which the kids will all do art pieces, half of which they will keep, half of which we will bring back to auction off in Denver. These kids have never owned a toy, let alone had their own art work to keep!
This trip will be an absolutely amazing and emotional roller coaster. We mostly know what to expect, but only being there will give us the entire experience. We know we will be completely overwhelmed with the beauty of the country, culture and especially the people. We hope to come back with an idea of where best the Wiley, Morgan, and Parker Fund can help with a major fundraiser to give the entire Fund sum toward seed money to a project there. How does the Wiley, Morgan & Parker School, Ethiopia sound to you?! :O)
Here is the breakdown of our expenses for this trip. Any money raised will be used first for the art and teaching supplies, and the rest will be put back into the Wiley, Morgan and Parker Fund.
Plane tickets - $1,800 X 2 = $3,600
All in-country expenses $1,000 X 2 = $2,000
Art and Teaching supplies $500 each = $1,000
Thank you for all of the continued love and support. You all mean so much to us! Our lives wouldn't be complete without you!
Steve, Denise, Tyler, Taelyn & Gierma
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