Friday, July 31, 2009

Greetings from Ethiopia!!

It was a happy and emotional reunion for Steve and Denise, and a very happy hello for Steve and Girma at the airport last night.  To finally hold Girma, get and give kisses, and look him in the eyes was incredible.  I keep catching myself staring at him in amazement and wonder.  That is our son! 

This morning we went to Girma's old orphanage, delivered the rest of the donations we bought in the US, played catch, did art work to bring back to the US for the silent auction, ate a really good lunch there, had a coffee ceremony for the 2 families leaving tonight and bid farewell.   It was tough seeing the kids cry knowing they might not see their friends again.  The orphanage is very small, but has amazing people who truly love those kids and are sad to see them go.  

After all that we headed to a couple stores and bought lots of things, for us and the auction in November.  Girma loves his new hat and drum, and also picked out a pair of sandals on his own.

Tomorrow, we are meeting Girma's mom at the orphanage to let her say goodbye.  I also hope to record a message from his mom for the future.   This should be rough but so important for Girma down the road.

In the next 2 days, we will also try to squeeze in Children's Heaven home for girls, AHope home for kids with HIV, and the leper colony, which supposedly has amazing handmade tapestries for sale. 


We hope to make it back on the Sunday night flight, arriving in Denver Monday afternoon.


Girma is wonderful.  He is easy to smile and laugh, loves to play games, do art, play sports, just horse around, eats well (a little too well!) and is affectionate.  He is simply perfect for us.  His laugh is great, it is contagious!


Can't wait to get back home and start are new chapter of our lives together. 

Love you all,

Steve, Denise & Girma


James said...

Have a blast in the land where you eat all that yummy food with your right hand! I can't wait to meet Girma and I love reading about your family and their travels! I am so glad you made it!

IAN said...

yeah!!!!!everyone at IAN is SO happy you are all together in Ethiopia. see you soon..

christen said...

we couldn't be happier for all of you

can"t wait to get together soon

Valerie Appelbaum said...

Our hearts are just brimming with joy. We are sending tons of courage, strength, jubilation and happiness your way.