Saturday, August 1, 2009

Re: Greetings from Ethiopia!!

We are ready to come home with our Girma. He is absolutely delightful. Haven't slept much at all, but have so much to tell. We may not make our flight out tomorrow because it's full and we're not all confirmed yet. If not, every day from then on we beg, steal and cheat our way onto a flight home.  I've been up for 20 hours now, so forgive any blunders.   We have taken lots of pics and video and will upload them later.

Today, we ate breakfast  and then, with another couple and our driver,  headed to A-Hope for kids with HIV and/or AIDS.  It was very difficult to see these forgotten children.  They were all beautiful, caring, loving and just enjoyed having us there.  One little boy grabbed Steve's hand and led him to see the baby room.   It was overwhelming to say the least.  We gave them a donation and left in near tears, but we held it together long enough to wave hug the kids and give a cheerful goodbye. 

Next, we headed to Children's Heaven, , and had an amazing time.  We walked in during their morning prayer, so we waited patiently.  When they were ready for us we walked into a room with 78 girls all sitting politely in chairs.  Almost every single girl stood up, thanked us for coming, stated her name, favorite school subject, hobby and sport and told us what she wanted to be when she grew up.  Answers ranged from artist, to doctor, to doing something to help her country.  After that, they sang us a couple of songs, clapping and smiling.   Then, they asked us many questions about our country and theirs and what we think.   All of us kept going back to how beautiful the people here are, inside and out.  The saying 'less is more' never meant more to me.  The Ethiopian people, in the depths of extreme poverty, are the nicest, friendliest and open-hearted people I have ever met next to the Oglala Lakota on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  It is truly an honor to be here, and we have told everyone we love their country.   Then, we had one of many formal coffee cermonies.  They bring in hot coals and roast the coffee beans right in front of us, wait for the coffee to brew, then serve us in fine coffee cups.  It is quite the experience from the country that founded coffee.  

We came back for lunch and then waited for the call that Girma's mom was at the orphanage.  We got there with must anxiety.  Through 2 translators we were able to figure out that Girma's mom was forced to give him up due to extreme poverty.  Girma's dad died suddenly a couple years ago, his mom remarried and had 3 children, the two oldest have since died.  Girma's mom said many beautiful things to us and Girma.  She blessed Girma and us.  It was very painful for her and all we could do was hold her, rub her back, cry with her and tell her Girma will be loved with all our hearts.     Then, Girma once again had a tearful goodbye with all of his friends.  Both Denise and I cried most of the way back to the Guest Home.  But, we know we needed to do this for Girma and for his mom.  Girma will always be able to look at the pictures of his mom and watch the video and know that his mom loved him very much.  We promised to send updated pictures every year through the orphanage.  We will also make sure Girma does not forget his birth family, his culture nor his own personal story.     Within 1/2 hour of getting home, we were off to dinner with Selamawit's (who is back in Denver with her new family Christy and Javier) older brother and Brian and Kat, who really stepped up when I couldn't be there earlier this week.    Girma really attached to Brian and it will be a very tough goodbye for both.  The dinner was fantastic, and was met with music and dancing.  (pics and video coming).  We got home about an hour ago, and are trying to get our tickets confirmed for leaving tomorrow.  We will probably have to hit the Ethiopian Airlines in the morning to do so.   If not, we are stuck here until we can get a flight out together.  OK, that's enough for now, will try to update again tomorrow.  Until then remember this... "If you see a person's struggle as 'their struggle' the world is doomed.  Until we all see everyone's struggles as our own, the world will be a mess"  Thanks for keeping up with us.  We love you all!  Steve, Denise & Girma

----- Original Message -----
To: "denise living girma" <>
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 7:26:36 PM GMT +03:00 Iraq
Subject: Greetings from Ethiopia!!

It was a happy and emotional reunion for Steve and Denise, and a very happy hello for Steve and Girma at the airport last night.  To finally hold Girma, get and give kisses, and look him in the eyes was incredible.  I keep catching myself staring at him in amazement and wonder.  That is our son! 

This morning we went to Girma's old orphanage, delivered the rest of the donations we bought in the US, played catch, did art work to bring back to the US for the silent auction, ate a really good lunch there, had a coffee ceremony for the 2 families leaving tonight and bid farewell.   It was tough seeing the kids cry knowing they might not see their friends again.  The orphanage is very small, but has amazing people who truly love those kids and are sad to see them go.  

After all that we headed to a couple stores and bought lots of things, for us and the auction in November.  Girma loves his new hat and drum, and also picked out a pair of sandals on his own.

Tomorrow, we are meeting Girma's mom at the orphanage to let her say goodbye.  I also hope to record a message from his mom for the future.   This should be rough but so important for Girma down the road.

In the next 2 days, we will also try to squeeze in Children's Heaven home for girls, AHope home for kids with HIV, and the leper colony, which supposedly has amazing handmade tapestries for sale. 


We hope to make it back on the Sunday night flight, arriving in Denver Monday afternoon.


Girma is wonderful.  He is easy to smile and laugh, loves to play games, do art, play sports, just horse around, eats well (a little too well!) and is affectionate.  He is simply perfect for us.  His laugh is great, it is contagious!


Can't wait to get back home and start are new chapter of our lives together. 

Love you all,

Steve, Denise & Girma

1 comment:

linda droeger said...

Denise and Steve,
We're THRILLED for you and Girma. We can't wait to meet him and hug him. What a blessing he is to you and us! We're so happy that you had the privilege of meeting his mom and assuring her how much you'll love and deeply care for her son. We're praying for a safe trip home to Colorado. Love you, Linda & Neely