Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday night, 1:23 am Denver time (10:23 Addis time)

I have been organizing/cleaning the house since 5pm. Finally, I called around 12:15, thinking Denise and Girma would be up. It was great to hear "hello!" from Girma's cute little voice. I couldn't help but match his enthusiam with "Hi Girma!", and then he said "Babba!" to Denise, and I loved it. It was perfect!

Denise and Girma plan to go to the orphanage this morning and play, then come back for lunch and an afternoon nap. Then enjoy the rest of the day/evening at the Guest Home, let Girma play with the kids and just relax and play.

Girma is still fascinated with Denise's head lamp. Good thing we have a kid's one back here!

Denise said Girma woke up smiling, and her heart just melted.

I will be making a couple calls first in the morning and then hit the State Department to try to get my new passport. If all goes well, I will be leaving Denver Tuesday at 2pm and arrive in Addis at 7:15 Thursday morning. If I make it, we are changing our return flights to get back to Denver Monday, August 3rd at 2:02pm on United flight #923.

If I can't make it out Denise & Girma will come back to Denver Saturday, August 1st at 5:18pm on United flight #517.

If I don't have time to update the blog tomorrow, I will call my brother Jeff and let him know. We will let him know of any changes in our schedule and how our trip is going. If you want to know the latest, or would like to meet us at the airport when we get back, please call Jeff at 303-945-6559 or email him at

God Bless and thanks for all the amazing support!

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